travelgirl79's Diaryland Diary



A - Act your age: Sometimes

B - Best film award goes to...: Shakespeare in Love

C - Chore you hate: cleaning up the mess made by others.......AMEN

D - Dad's name: Luis (R.I.P)

E - Essential item: Computer

F - Favorite actor: Robin Williams, Johnny Depp, Clive Owen

G - Gold or silver: Silver

H � Hates: I don't like to sleep (waste of time), heavy 'trash' metal music, my feet, unfair people, mean people and ridiculous expensive name brands

I - Instruments you play: Photographic Camera.

J - Job title: Customer Service

K � Kids: I don't have any, But I love them, they make me smile ^.^

L - Living arrangements: APT

M - Music fan of: LA OREJA DE VAN GOGH, Namie Amuro, Garbage, Ace of Base

N - Number of cities you've lived at: 7

O - Overnight hospital stays: when I was 7 years old

P - Phobia: needles

Q - Quote you like: "Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them". Dalai Lama

R - Reason for this blog to exist: I love to write and discover my soul in each letter, dust off the memories and feel them with all my senses once again as I read; this is for me and for the generations to come in my family

S - Siblings: two sisters

T - Time you wake up: I wake up around 8 am

U - Unique habit: I like to read the yellow pages just for fun, same with encyclopedies

V - Vegetable you refuse to eat: Pickles

W - Worst habit: Waiting until the last minute to do things

X - X-rays you've had: who's counting them?

Y - Yummy food you make: Salad, with cheese and ham

Z - Zodiac Sign: I'm a libra, my rising sign is capricorn, and moon in geminis

as seen on

Every now and then I loose Motivation and more often Concentration

I used to write poems (in spanish) but not any more

the following it's originally written in spanish, so maybe there will be some rhymes missing >_>


woman of one destiny

with a traveler soul,

sweet inner child

cover by mistery.

night lover,
born from venus,

rare star

that shines in the sky.

futuristic thinker

who follows her desires,

your loyal friend

Confidante of dreams

she hopes

to find someday,

a true love

like heaven-sent

(sorry the translation is not so good, you can find the original here )

You Are a Dreaming Soul

Your vivid emotions and imagination takes you away from this world
So much so that you tend to live in your head most of the time
You have great dreams and ambitions that could be the envy of all...
But for you, following through with your dreams is a bit difficult

You are charming, endearing, and people tend to love you.
Forgiving and tolerant, you see the world through rose colored glasses.
Underneath it all, you have a ton of passion that you hide from others.
Always hopeful, you tend to expect positive outcomes in your life.

Souls you are most compatible with: Newborn Soul, Prophet Soul, and Traveler Soul

100 Years by Five for Fighting

"Every day's a new day...
15 there's still time for you
Time to buy and time to choose
Hey 15, there's never a wish better than this
When you only got 100 years to live"

2004 was about thinking and reflecting - but isn't every year?


The Fire Goat differs from the other members of the sign by her extraordinary temperamental vigor. All her actions and reactions in life ate motivated by intense emotions, with little room left for reflection and reasoning. She is passionate in whatever she does or believes in and can show exceptional courage in defending her stand. Thus, this combination supplies a host of martyrs, fanatics, and bigots. But despite her tendency to let himself be carried away by emotion, the Fire Goat is nonetheless a most gentle and charming person. Her affable comportment often induces people to be mistaken on her real intentions and earns her the reputation of being elusive and mysterious. She also enjoys some ascendancy over others, contrary to her brothers (and sisters) of the sign, who generally resign themselves to utter passivity. Her uncanny air is further strengthened by her profound inclination towards mysticism, meditation, faraway philosophies, occult sciences, the subconscious and symbolic worlds, and the like. Generally sparing of words, she could talk for long hours when discussing esoteric subjects. She is also deeply interested in ecology, health, diet, and can make a fortune in activities related to the improvement of the quality of life - either as an honest individual or a charlatan! The Goat of this combination is the best-known spendthrift of all Goats. Not only does he prove unable to resist the lure of a life of ease and luxury, he also feels a compulsive delight in squandering her money around. In compensation for her recklessness, however, she often enjoys financial advantages at the most critical moments. But obviously it would be foolish of her to continue indefinitely to rely on her incredible luck ^_^ THAT'S MEEEE!!

4:35 a.m. - 2005-03-24


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